Better Pay for Adjuncts

Better Pay for Adjuncts “‘Professor Staff’ Dominates Today’s Colleges” is a discussion that was broadcast on NPR, The Sound of Ideas, on Tuesday, June 4, 2013. In the discussion, the lack of benefits and pay for adjunct professors and part-time faculty is addressed. In many colleges and universities up to 70% of courses offered are Read More

Thanks to all for Making the Symposium a Success

The General Chemistry Symposium welcomed attendees with two days of informative talks and discussions as well as a social event the first evening with interesting posters, wine, and appetizers. There was a feeling of appreciation at CSU for providing this opportunity for those of us who are dedicated to the effective teaching of chemistry. We Read More

The General Chemistry Symposium: Today’s Challenges for Teachers of Chemistry

We have all been working hard organizing the General Chemistry Symposium. It will be a very informative couple of days. We are still working on the schedule of talks/posters/workshops, and we have some very interesting topics that will be presented at the symposium. We have all seen many changes over the years, but today in Read More

Introduction To Blog

Welcome to our chemistry blog.  We teach chemistry at the college level and have worked with elementary, middle school, and high school students.  We are also married.   There is plenty of time for us at the end of the day to discuss chemistry and teaching.     We just finished up a very busy spring semester and have already started Read More