Student REEL Presentations Fall 2021

Congratulations to the students in General Chemistry REEL and Organic Chemistry REEL this semester. You all did a great job in the lab and with your presentations!!

Determination of Rotenone in Organic Soy Milk
Jason R. D’Aoust

For the past two decades epidemiologists have suspected that exposure to rotenone increases the risk of developing Parkinson’s Disease. Rotenone is a broad-spectrum pesticide that inhibits the transport of electrons in NADH-Q-oxidoreductase, or Complex I of the electron transport chain, thereby inhibiting cellular respiration. Although it has been restricted for food use in the United States, the pesticide is still used in countries exporting produce. Organic soymilk was purchased from a supermarket and six samples were analyzed for rotenone using high-performance liquid chromatography equipped with an ultraviolet light detector (HPLC-UV). Although rotenone was detected at reportable levels in these samples, the data collected was inconsistent and requires further trials. These outcomes, however, warrant further investigation using the same protocol on a broader array of samples, including non-organic products.

Bisphenol Concentration in Spirits Stored in Plastic Containers
Jonathan Naticchia

Due to their ability to be utilized as a building block for plastics, bisphenols are found in many food containers, including the lining of metal cans, cardboard containers, and plastic bottles. Since bisphenols are soluble in ethyl-alcohol, this research is aimed to determine if bisphenols are leeching into alcohol that are stored in metal cans, cardboard containers, and plastic bottles1,2,3. This objective will be achieved by testing various samples of high proof beer, wine, and liquor stored in these bisphenol lined containers. These samples will be obtained, degassed, if necessary, and microfiltered. Then, the bisphenol concentrations will be determined using high-performance liquid-chromatography.

DEHP Concentrations in Tap Water Before and After Carbon Filtration
Michael Audi

Exposure to DEHP (di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate) has been linked to a number of different adverse health effects. Tap water is a major source of potential exposure, due to the prevalence of DEHP use in the manufacturing of water pipes. Through our research, we aimed to determine if there was a certain concentration of this potentially harmful compound in the tap water on Cleveland State University campus. In addition to this, we aimed to determine the efficacy of granular activated carbon filters at removing DEHP from samples of water. The method of detection used in this research is Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). Our hypothesis was that there would be a certain concentration of DEHP in the tap water samples collected from CSU campus. Furthermore, we hypothesized that placing these samples through a granular activated carbon filter would reduce these concentrations. After analyzing our data acquired from GC-MS, it was determined that our water samples showed no presence of DEHP. We have concluded that there are multiple possible explanations for these findings, and further research is required to confirm the absence of DEHP in the tap water on CSU campus.

The Concentration of Aspartame in Diet Coke
Elizabeth Drlik

Aspartame is used as a sugar substitute in diet drinks, like Coke. According to multiple studies, aspartame has a linkage to an increased rate of cancer.^1 Aspartame is one of the top ingredients in diet coke. It does not give a definite concentration of aspartame in the drink, so research has been done to detect the actual concentration. High concentrations of aspartame over a long period of time have been linked to increased rates of cancer.^3 As one of America’s most beloved diet beverage, diet coke could have ill effects on the longevity of one’s life. Due to limitations faced within this experiment, the concentration of aspartame in diet coke went undetected. With changes in methodology, the experiment can be repeated and successful.

The Concentration of Aspartame in Diet Coke
Serena Chandler

Aspartame is commercially available throughout the United States in thousands of products such as Diet Coke, energy drinks, various cereals, and toothpastes. This study’s objective is to identify the concentration of aspartame inside Diet Coke. Aspartame is a peak of interest to consumers due to the significant correlation to Cancer. Aspartame is used as an artificial sweetener and induces cancer stem cell growth through various cell signaling mechanisms such as p21, NICD, and GLI1 in human pancreas adenocarcinoma cells. Previous studies have various determinations for the concentration of aspartame in Diet Coke. Though there have been many studies of aspartame on health risks, the FDA does not list aspartame as a carcinogen and it is marketed in the United States as an alternative to sugar, often with a healthier connotation to it. Recent research indicates that aspartame induces cancer so there may be revolutionary discoveries of aspartame to come, as well as the re-evaluation by the FDA. This study does not have conclusive evidence determining the concentration of aspartame in Diet Coke.

Efficiency Testing of HPLC-UV Method for Quantification of Nicotine in Hookah (Water Pipe) None Tobacco Products

Olalekan Tiamiyu
Ibrahim AlBabeli 

In the present study, a highly sensitive high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC-UV) extraction has been developed for the determination of nicotine level in Hookah tobacco free product (yummy gummy). The principle focus of the developed method is to know if nicotine is actually present in yummy gummy since tobacco free product are made up of herbal leaves and flavors. In addition, the concentration level of spike sample is respectively high than the value discovery of un-spike sample (22.66, 15.03). While the extraction recovery of nicotine in standard 8 that was spiked to yummy gummy product is 50.1% (percent recovery). Exposure of yummy gummy tobacco free product is bad to human health as the findings have shown the potentiality of nicotine to customers as it causes increase in blood pressure, heart rate and slow the flow of blood to the heart. Finally, the yummy gummy product was used to evaluate the method applicability for the determination of nicotine in tobacco free product.

Effect of Amines in a Whey Protein Supplement on the Release of Bisphenols from a Polycarbonate Shaker Bottle
Grace Jones

Bisphenol A (BPA) and its alternatives are monomers used to produce polycarbonate (PC). BPA has been shown to leach from PC bottles and exposure is linked to severe health conditions. Many PC manufacturers now label their products as “BPA-Free” and have switched to BPA-alternatives such as Bisphenol S (BPS) and Bisphenol F (BPF). However, there is evidence that BPS also leaches into food products and has at least the same health risks as BPA, if not worse. Studies that have used migration testing to analyze the release of bisphenols from PC may have underestimated the actual concentration of bisphenols because the food simulants are not designed to mimic the aggressiveness of food and beverages. Amines are common in many foods and are known to degrade PC. The purpose of the present study was to compare the amount of bisphenols that leach from a “BPA-Free” labeled PC shaker bottle into an amine-rich protein shake compared to distilled water under normal-use conditions. High-performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet spectroscopy (HPLC-UV) was used to quantify and identify BPA, BPS, and BPF. BPS was found in both the whey protein and the distilled water after shaking in a PC bottle. The concentration of BPS in the whey protein was 20-50 times higher than in the distilled water, suggesting that the presence of amines in whey protein increases the degradation of the PC.

BPA Concentration in Gel Baby Teethers
Ashley Guerra-Valenzuela

BPA provides important attributes in the production of popular products used in the daily lives of people. It is a key environmental risk factor because it is found abundantly in our environment. The concentration levels of bisphenol A have gained more attention over the years as there has been an increase in the number of diseases and illnesses developing in our population. Exposure to BPA is known to be linked to diabetes, behavioral disorders, and even reproductive health issues. Greater concern has developed for fetuses, infants, and children because they have more pronounced health effects than adults. Even more emphasis is placed on prenatal care since the fetus is developing. During this stage, vital organs and organ systems are forming such as the brain that hold essential genes that make up everyone. Exposure of BPA at higher concentrations during this time only increases possible health defects and harms the fetus. Therefore, working to reduce traces of BPA within the human body can stop this endocrine receptor from disrupting normal neurological functions. New research has found a link between BPA and autism which worsens the use of this compound in many baby products, especially products that are put in the mouths of infants. Because of the numerous health effects that result from BPA being consume, these findings can further educate consumers to opt for products that serve as alternatives to polycarbonate plastics to keep infants and children safe.

Rotenone in L. Organic Tampons and Applicators
Raven M. Bryant

Rotenone is omnipresent in feminine products and the concentration levels of Rotenone in Tampons have been noted due to the health hazards women have been receiving based on how their bodies react, for example Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS). Commissioning methods by experiment with Acetonitrile, Rotenone was detected in a small dosage. There are long term health concerns with the exposure of Rotenone over the years. Although Rotenone wasn’t as visible but furthermore the concentration with 99 percent certainty that the lowest concentration can be differentiated from the blank. As of right now the usage of tampons, more specifically the L. Organic tampons can eventually have severe damage. Especially since the average woman uses 10,000-11,000 tampons in her lifetime. This finding can help benefit potential buyers, future adolescents, and young adults from buying unhealthy and harmful products. These products have the potential of creating issues like Toxic Shock Syndrome and fertility issues for women. These products are even bad for the environment since the applicator is made up of plastic which in return pieces could get into the water supply.

Melatonin Concentration in Name Brand and Generic Melatonin Supplements
Victoria R. Blanc

Melatonin is regulated by the Food and Drug Administration as a dietary supplement, placing it under less stringent regulations than prescription or over-the-counter medications. Supplements are not tested before being sold to consumers on the market and are tested less frequently and thoroughly than medications once on the market. Some supplements, including melatonin, have been found to contain a different amount of supplement than the label claim. However, current research has not studied the difference in melatonin concentration in brand vs. generic supplements. Employing experimental methods involving high performance liquid chromatography and analytical chemistry, melatonin concentration was determined for brand and generic melatonin samples. The concentration of melatonin in both samples was much less than the label claim. The brand sample contained approximately 35% less melatonin than expected, and the generic sample contained approximately 66% less. The results indicate that some generic melatonin supplements contain concentrations further from the label claim than brand melatonin supplements. Further research is required to determine the validity of the results and test other brands and generics.

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